New studies on civil-military relations and defense policy in Brazil

New studies on civil-military relations and defense policy in Brazil

New studies on civil-military relations and defense policy in Brazil

  • EditoraEDITORA FGV
  • Modelo: GV21992
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$ 42,30

    R$ 47,00
"After one of the longest military regimes in Latin America's history, Brazil transitioned to democracy in 1985. It was inevitable that, from then on, the political power of the military would decline. However, the extent to which the country's armed forces would eschew politics was never clear, given the vast role it had always played in domestic affairs since the onset of the republic in 1889."
Autor Octavio Amorim Neto (org)
Biografia "After one of the longest military regimes in Latin America's history, Brazil transitioned to democracy in 1985. It was inevitable that, from then on, the political power of the military would decline. However, the extent to which the country's armed forces would eschew politics was never clear, given the vast role it had always played in domestic affairs since the onset of the republic in 1889."
Comprimento 23
ISBN 9786556521992
Largura 16
Páginas 232

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